Ida-Virumaale Narva valmib NPM Narva magnetitehas, mille lamekatusele paigaldas Eesti PäikeseVägi omalaadse 325 kW koguvõimusega päikesepargi. Tehase omanikuks on Kanada ettevõte Neo Performance Materials. „Magnetite tootmisseadmed vajavad ligikaudu 17 MW energiat. Selleks, et toota rohetööstusele magneteid, peab ka meie tegevus olema roheline“, räägib ettevõtte NPM Narva projektjuht Aivar Virunen. Ta lisab, et suur tehase […]
The objective of the database is to identify main environmental climatic challenges, and outline technological business solutions to these challenges...
The objective of the database is to identify main environmental climatic challenges, and outline technological business solutions to these challenges...
The objective of the database is to identify main environmental climatic challenges, and outline technological business solutions to these challenges...
The objective of the database is to identify main environmental climatic challenges, and outline technological business solutions to these challenges...
The objective of the database is to identify main environmental climatic challenges, and outline technological business solutions to these challenges...
The objective of the database is to identify main environmental climatic challenges, and outline technological business solutions to these challenges...
The objective of the database is to identify main environmental climatic challenges, and outline technological business solutions to these challenges...
The objective of the database is to identify main environmental climatic challenges, and outline technological business solutions to these challenges...
The objective of the database is to identify main environmental climatic challenges, and outline technological business solutions to these challenges...